Wednesday, July 24, 2019
I like to take Sunshine hiking. Not an avid hiker myself, but having Sunshine and wanting to please her, gives me the motivation to do this. The plots on this page are manual ones made in Google Earth or actual tracks from my GPS that are overlaid on Google Earth pages. There are other "walks" of course when we go shopping or visit other areas, but the ones below are planned, specific hikes. They are all under 1 mile in length.
The names refer to a nearby point of interest or landmark, mostly all "made-up", by myself. Click on each Title to go to the relevant plot.
Polly's Cove
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
I originally named this area "Foundation" for a nearby house foundation that was abandoned before a house was built on it. Google Earth shows it as Polly's Cove. This hike was 0.75 miles to height above sea level of 92 feet. The "foundation" is to the right of the apex of our hike. This hike is very popular in summer with up to 50 cars lining each side of the highway. A small parking area for 4 cars is all there is. Walking to the "Foundation" is very flat and easy, my plot is more challenging.
Across from Peggys Cove
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Hike on the rocks across from Peggys Cove, on peninsula just off highway. Got lost, well not really...ocean on side and road on the other, so not really "lost". Red plot is validated, yellow plot is conjecture.
Rob's Inlet
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
When my son was hiking from Peggy's Cove along the coast towards West Dover, he was stopped my an ocean inlet that forced him all the way back to the highway. I named our trek for this event, in his honor. .
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Named for the Make-or-Break Restaurant which was at the start point. This is nice hike in winter when the lake/slough is frozen over and paths are not underwater like they are in summer. (Restaurant now an antique shop).
Whalesback/Lily Lake
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Named for the nearby Whalesback Country Store, access is actually right across from the access to the Swiss Air Monument. I now call this "Lily Lake" because the final destination is a small lake with hundreds of lilies floating on the surface.
7 Sisters (no plot, only photos)
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Same area as Feral Cat but accessed from a different point. Rather than getting to the Start point at the Feral Cat building (see previous), we start from the highway at a small lay-by turnout. Renamed this trek to 7 Sisters for the 7 rocks all lined up on a ridge. Photos are of Wreck Cove.
Ertis Lane
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Ertis Lane begins as a regular automotive lane but at the turn to the last house, the path continues on into the Peggy's Cove Protected Area. Much of the path has been created by 4 wheelers but has lots of big rocks that make a good dry and solid path. Has a creek and log bridge to cross, lots of big trees. We keep going further and further down this trail.
Feral Cat
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
When we first came to Nova Scotia we stopped to use the pay phone near this abandoned building near the entrance to Peggy's Cove. There to greet us were 20 or so feral cats that just sat and stared as I looked up an address in the phone book.
Ertis Long
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Ertis Extended
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Extra Photos
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Extra Photos
Wednesday, July 24, 2019